Local Newspaper Holdings – This page is a publication history and list of back issues of Stanwood and Camano Island area newspapers and where to find them. Our volunteers and members use them for general history research, obituaries, dates, business & organization histories, events, etc. Please let us know if this information is incorrect or you have copies that might fill in our missing holdings.
Microfilmed reels done in the 1980’s newspaper microfilming project are available as listed, there are many missing issues. Also the many name changes confuse things. There are no indexes of these papers. It is possible to use the “Stanwood Story” to get a date range to search through issues.
At this time, no issues have been digitized.
- Stillaguamish Times, 1889 -1890?,
Started in Stanwood? moved to Haller City / Arlington. Published but no known issues available. - Stanwood Post, 1890-1895:
Sporadically published with different publishers. Only existing issues known are one fragment published in 1891. - Stanwood [Weekly] Press, 1897 – 1900:
One existing issue reprinted by the Stanwood Camano News, also available at SAHS - Stillaguamish Valley News,
1902: One existing issue in archives at SAHS - Stanwood Tidings, 1903 – 1917
WSL, EPL? (Snohomish County Misc Reel #1) and SVGS; scattered issues at SAHS. - Stanwood News, 1920 – 1930 Microfilm (1923-1978) at UW, WSL, SVGS; scattered issues at SAHS and SCNEWs and Sno-Isle Libraries Marysville Branch where there is a digital microfilm reader that can save images from the microfilm on to a USB or other storage device.
- Twin City News, about 1930 – 1959
Microfilm UW, WSL, SVGS, Sno-Isle Libraries Marysville Branch;
scattered paper issues at SAHS, and SCNEWs. - Stanwood News, 1960-1980: Microfilm WSL, SVGS, UW.
Stanwood / Camano NEWS, 1981 – 2009. Microfilm (1923-1980) Sno-Isle, WSL, SVGS, UW. Some paper issues at SAHS and SCNEWS, - Stanwood / Camano NEWS, 2009 – Digital
SCNEWS.com; Bound volumes are available at SAHS Eldridge Center.
Other newspapers have existed briefly – very few copies exist:
- Camano Enterprise, 1908-1909
A few issues of this newspaper published at Camano [City] on Saratoga Passage at SAHS. - East Stanwood Bulletin, 1914 – 1916
A prohibitionist paper : Microfilm- WSL, scattered issues at SAHS. - Camano Island Sun:
1980 – 1982. A few issues at SAHS – sort of a neighborhood weekly. Merged with Stanwood News. - East Stanwood Sun
1937 – 1942. Scattered issues at SAHS